Friday, June 23, 2017

Empty Space Classroom

A four walls that I see everyday. It is more than just its stark simplicity or its apparent tarnishes. For these flaws depict genuine beauty and represents history.

It is filled with peacefulness and silence. The lone window high on the outside all allowed only one tiny gleam of light to pronounce the time of day. I can see rusty chairs, dirty white walls that held the cold inside the room as if it were collecting it.

 I can hear the solemnity and the absence of noise which reminds me of the past. The empty space of the room makes me feel at ease its like having contentment on life.

The harmonious sound of muteness is somewhat defeaning. Tranquility is trapped inside the four walls longing to get out. The tediousness destroyed the final remnants of longing to be alone.

The ambient light that shines through every now and then, brings out stories to be heard. It is regarded as an epitome to a milieu that builds morals and values.

Scraped with scribbles and splashed with a burst of calm color that reveals more than just a story to be told. Not a fairytale nor a sheer of fantasy, but a story of how it all started ---- a story of friendship.


Hi there bloggers! Its been 3 months since I posted here, so there it is. Take me long enough because I've been very busy lately and I forgot that I have this blog thingy 😂

Its my descriptive writing, my work at school and decided to post it here to share it you guys. I'll accept any comments and reactions 😂

Have a great weekend ahead! God bless you all :)