Monday, October 29, 2018

My another entry for Prose Poetry 😁



A sun who brightened up my day during my darkest times. Whenever I need them there is a warm and comfort. They are the one who makes me smile. They are the one who help me to get rid of my problems for a while. We have different kinds of personalities. I guess we have the same abnormalities.


Our friendship serves as our foundation and I call them as my squad, like they say in this generation. Whenever I encounter different struggles and challenges in life, they are the one whom I can count on. They are a ghost with a spirit alive. I can really tell that they are my best companion regardless of the situation.


Every moment with them is unforgettable, it may be good times and bad times. Even how many miles when were apart those distance isn't measurable. Every moment with them it feels like time is slowly passing by. They are not the ones who stick on my shadows during my brightest moments but they are the one who will never disappear in my darkest hours.


They are at my side everytime I need help, we may have misunderstanding but that doesn't define the memories we have. In a cookie life they are my chocolate chips, I myself can't find the real me without them. They are my friends, whom forever I will treasure for the rest of my life.

There you have it! What do you guys think?? Let me know your thoughts on the comments down below. Anyway thank you for having time to read my prose poetry, have a great day ahead 😘

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Hello guys!!! I know its been a long long long time since I posted here and now I'm back with my new output and this is a prose poetry so I hope you will like it :)



She paints a ray of sunshine all over her face as if the world is better.
She is tough, fortuitous and contentious like there’s no other could hurt her. Everyone deem her as a fortunate person aside from one thing. None of them knew the true color of the sky. She needs to keep pretending being happy while having a sad soul in one body. And remain to the girl she wish that she could be.


She’s tired embracing the feeling of euphoria. None of them knew that she’s stuck in the depths of the ocean. She stayed there dauntlessly but the waves of despair keep drowning her. The air is getting stuffy from all the delusions. She was wreathing by a great melancholy. Even though she’s surrounded with people by hearing their echoing footsteps, she feels alone, it felt like there is no one and their voices slowly fade away. Only the sound of its own footstep she could catch on.


Wide eyed and wonder, how does everybody does it? Why she can’t. Her life is gloomy as her frizzled hair. Those tainted tears she had are result of her past. What lurks inside her tainted tears? Nevertheless she’s out in the forest, she’s halfway of asphalt jungle and surrounded by people, yet still on one’s own. She was filled with a wish to walk on a flowery path; instead she’s in a small blade of grass sprouting; despite the reason, she can’t flee. She was isolated with anxiety, somewhere she love to be, somewhere where she can avoid the needles. In a beautiful place, alone, to figure everything out.


One day she asked herself, “Why am I feeling this way? Can someone wake me from this dream? How I wish this isn’t real.”
Thinking about life, trying to find her purpose. The sky was colored dark but she should try to get rid of that darkness with an eraser.  She’s sitting down in a corner then a voice was suddenly discovered saying, “Everything will be okay, just keep on believing. Fix yourself up. Living in this world is chaotic but everything will be okay. Don’t leave yourself behind that mask.”


“You are loved by many, there is always reasons why things happen. Just get up and fight. Don’t leave anyone behind and no matter what happen everything will be okay.”

The tender softness of the voice, a voice boomed with fellowship. Her stifled tears became visible, she felt the waves of relief rippling down from her spine, she didn’t know her feet having its mind by standing up fearlessly. The shadow of agony, little by little, finding its way out. Staring her face in her own reflection, she’s looking in her eyes without speaking, confessing the secrets that is hidden in her heart. Those steely eyes reflect her unflinching courage with a smile that outshines the noon day sun.

:) so how was it?? just comment down below what do you think about my prose poetry I would love to read it <3