Friday, October 6, 2017

Reaction Post

Hey there bloggers! It's been a long months, to be exact it is been 4 months and now I have a reaction post here, actually it's from a performance task at my school and I decided to post it here, to share it with you guys. My teacher told us that were gonna do some reaction paper from a movie. A Thai movie, so without further adieu, here it is...

“The Billionaire aka Top Secret”

The movie was all about a 16 years old boy that wants to earn money using his own business instead going to school. He is Aithipat “Top Ittipat” Kulapongvanich. At a young age, he was an online game addict who was lucky to have a lot of money because of his hobby, Top gained 400,000 Baht monthly from playing online games until one day Serpak Terjangnya in cyberspace was discontinued and his account was deleted because it is illegal, then that is where the journey begins.

When he was 17, his family is trying to convince him to go back studying but he was willing to quit school and instead earned money from selling chestnuts for 2,000 Baht but it didn’t went successful. He turns 18 when his family went bankrupt and remained 40 million Baht in debt. Age 19, he released Tao Kae Noi seaweed, courtesy of his girlfriend that loves to eat a seaweed then he gets the idea that he wants to sell a seaweed more than 3,000 branches at 7 eleven.

Then it was the time that his business got to sale really big time. Top paid off the 40 million Baht debt and still lives in the old same house with his parents. At present there are 2,500 employees. He ships his seaweed to six thousand 7-eleven branches exporting to 27 countries around the world. He is the owner of the best selling seaweed in Thailand and he owns a seaweed farm at South Korea, at that achievement Top is only 26 years old businessman. The film ended with a scene that Top is in the airplane with his family and he’s playing a game in his laptop.

The movie was really an extraordinary story because you can really learn many things, lessons in life, on how to build a business and what is the most important reason on how did some persons became really successful. The writer did a great job in writing the story because it is such a roller coaster feeling, you will feel sad and at the same time amazement will be shown on your face.

The Billionaire, a movie that is fun to watch and reviving it is so different from the other Thai movies that I have seen, it is not a typical story but it hits the reality. The seaweed got me into curiosity if its really delicious. There is one thing that I want to find out and it actually motivates me to go watch further, about what are the secrets to attain success. Also the story was not confusing, it is well detailed, convincing and worth watching. The movie was breathtaking and inspiring that makes you want to imitate his strategies in gaining money and you can also find a lot of life advices about struggling in whatever situations.

The movie holds my interest in building a business. Surely every one of us wants to get rich, yet not everyone dares to succeed like Top.
We always say that going to school makes us tired but we don’t hear our parents complaining that they are tired to work in order to sustain our needs, so the movie taught us that no matter what happens we should not lose courage because when it comes to business it is always taking a risk and aside of business in what all situation we might encounter, we shall not be hopeless, learn to have perseverance and patience because like Nelson Mandela said “It is always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Never surrender and never say never, always take an action, everything has its right time and everything happens for a reason. We should really accept the fact that failure is present all the time because that will serves as our motivation and a lesson to be strong enough and to strive hard. We can achieve what we want in time.

Indeed, Education is the most momentous thing that we can acquire but the number one lesson in the movie that authentically strike into my mind is, even if you don’t have the education or you are not good in academics but if you have the fighting spirit and you are determined in what do you want to do, in no time we can always obtain those things. For me, our grades in school don’t define our salary in the future. A wise mind, good decision making, taking odd strategies and always believing in ourselves is all we need because hard work makes our dream work.

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