Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 A mesmerizing scenery and horizons of the past

Can we still see it now or it will no longer last?

The world is suffering from the humans; illegal activities shows

Is everyone blind? They don't care or they just don't know?

What is happening now to our beautiful world?

Continuous problems like a big smoke that is swirled

Are you still not going to move and take an action?

Your role is not to sit and wait for satisfaction

Do not take our common home for granted

Stand up and be aware on those challenges planted

A care for all is a care for the earth

Use all your might and courage for what is worth

A call to human responsible stewardship

Can make everyone live in tranquility and less hardship

This is for the betterment of the future generation

We should love, protect and keep all God's creation.

written by: Espada, Divine Grace B.

Hello there! This is my another entry for this day and I created this poem as part of the task that I did in school. I just wanna share this and inspire you guys to take good care on our environment and we should always be mindful on our actions because everything that we do corresponds an effect to our common. That would be all!! Have a nice day everyone and remember there are many reasons to smile, :)


Divine :)

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